I am so tired, I can hardly type these worfs.
I do worry because it takes all types to make our culture, to make our art. We need it to be available to all.
There seem to be two main types of people in the world, crosswords and sudokus.
Being able to take a traditional cable-television subscriber and give them new widget type applications to me is huge.
I like two types of dust: pixie dust and dust from old, first edition books.
We all know the types who listen to Pete Seeger songs; even Pete admits they aren't interesting.
I've never been the type of person to jump up and throw out the album without it being what it's supposed to be.
I want to get away from the high school thing and do other types of roles.
When he was a little kid, he was a fat, spoiled kid. I can tell the type.
We are not intimidated by the size of the armies, or the type of hardware the US has brought.
I kinda go for the Jane Eyre type of film. I am fascinated by classics.
It’s not just all physical I’m the type who will get oh so critical
Basically, the way you get into any role is just doing research on the type of character you're playing.
Since then, I have not missed five consecutive days in getting some type of aerobic exercise, mostly jogging.
I'd feel weird on a show where it was a bunch of dudes that are my type. I like sticking out a little.
We're merely one tree with various types, shapes and sizes of leaves that all wave differently in the breeze
I'd like to play every type of character, but only once. I like to expierence things.
I like to be wild, and I like to do wild, crazy things. I need excitement. At all times. Normal is not my type.
I am a melancholy type of person.
I'm the type of person who loves to stay busy, even in my off-season.
It would be difficult for me not to conclude that the most perfect type of masculine beauty is Satan, as portrayed by Milton.