Don: Apparently it's for security. [Explaining the boxing arena]
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels[after falling off from the horse] Gimli: That was deliberate, it was deliberate.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersGandalf: There is no way out of that ravine, Théoden is walking into a trap.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersPippin: [of Treebeard] It's talking, Merry. The tree is talking.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersTheoden: When last I looked, Théoden, not Aragorn, was king of Rohan.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersAn enchanted love, an awakened love, between two people is a blessing on the entire world.
Marianne WilliamsonMen cannot count, they do not know that two and two make four if women do not tell them so.
Gertrude Stein