You can't put two saddles on the same horse.
The only insurance against fire is to have two houses.
One son is no son, two sons is no son, but three sons is a son.
Two cannot fall out if one does not choose.
Two great talkers never go far together.
If there is any profit in partnership, two will share a woman.
One arrow does not bring down two birds.
He who hunts two rats, catches none.
In this world, there are two times. There is mechanical time and there is body time....Where the two times meet, desperation. Where the two times go their separate ways, contentment. For, miraculously, a barrister, a nurse, a baker can make a world i...
Once you see that your skin and your gift are two sides of the same coin, you can never forget it. It preserves religion from any arrogance and denial.
Collaborating on a film script involves two people sitting in a room separated by the silence of two minds working together.
I want to know how watches can hold all the time in the world using only two hands.
When I see two beautiful woman smiling at me, I don’t think threesome. I think, “Oh no, one of us is about to die—and the two women don’t think it’s going to be either of the two women.
I read once that you need two things to be happy: any two of health, money, and love. You can cover the absense of one with the other two... But now I realized this was unmitigated bullshit, because health and money did not compare with love at all.
But twice-two-makes-four is for all that a most insupportable thing. Twice-two-makes-four is, in my humble opinion, nothing but a piece of impudence. Twice-two-makes-four is a farcical, dressed-up fellow who stands across your path with arms akimbo a...
When love has fused and mingled two beings in a sacred and angelic unity, the secret of life has been discovered so far as they are concerned; they are no longer anything more than the two boundaries of the same destiny; they are no longer anything b...
Flowers and fear are a lot alike. For one, flowers and fear have a distinct smell, and two, I’m currently trying to grow both in my garden.
it {romantic love} really isn't about two people who have fallen madly for each other; it's about two people seeing spirit in each other.
Renaldina told Renaldo and Renaldo told me, so that’s two points for possible miscommunication, especially when you consider that she’s deaf and he’s blind, so it went through two language variations and two incompatible methods of travel, like...
In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines Lived twelve little girls in two straight lines In two straight lines they broke their bread And brushed their teeth and went to bed. They left the house at half past nine In two straight lines in ...
I heard on public radio recently, there's a thing called Weed Dating. Singles get together in a garden and weed and then they take turns, they keep matching up with other people. Two people will weed down one row and switch over with two other people...