An enchanted love, an awakened love, between two people is a blessing on the entire world.
Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets them.
A suicide kills two people, Maggie, that's what it's for!
Never were two people more opposite in sentiment than my companions.
It seems that no two people came to this specialized area of work via the exact same route.
Acting is the work of two people - it's only possible when you have the complicity, the help, even the manipulation of a director.
Different people remember things differently, and you'll not get any two people to remember anything the same, whether they were there or not.
When two people achieve lasting happiness, this is not solely because they are great lovers but because they are also—I must put it crudely—good people; controlled, loyal, fair-minded, mutually adaptable people.
Certainly, I, as an audience, am stricken with terror if I see only two people onstage. And one person, I think, is even harder for people to take.
You always get one or two people that aren't going to be saying nice things. It doesn't really bother me, but you're always going to get a few people like that.
I still enjoy performing, whether it's in front of two people or 2,000 people, but it's not fun once you leave the big show.
I was 25 years old when I arrived in D.C. It was just myself and two people who worked and helped me in the kitchen. I was only cooking for three people most of the time.
On TV, the children can watch people murdering each other, which is a very unnatural thing, but they can't watch two people in the very natural process of making love. Now, really, that doesn't make any sense, does it?
I’m sad that I’m leaving, but I’m happy that I’m going. The thing is, I am in love, and I’m going to be in love—but there are two people, two places, and one destination—in love.
A brick could be used to divide two people, and then conquer both of them.
You have to be a two people; a saint and a sinner
The clearest explanation for the failure of any marriage is that the two people are incompatible; that is, that one is male and the other female.
Working with Christopher McQuarrie and working with Tom Cruise; two people who are just so good at what they do, it just makes you better.
One thing Republicans understand: In American elections, you have to choose from among only two people - not between the perfect and the good.
The trick is always to write in pairs because if at least two people find it funny, you've immediately halved the odds of it not being funny.
Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit.