In our time, the curse is monetary illiteracy, just as inability to read plain print was the curse of earlier centuries.
When the word 'nostalgia' was coined in the 18th century, it was used to describe a pathology - not so much a sense of lost time, but a severe homesickness.
An astrolabe is relatively unknown in today's world. But, at the time, in the 13th century, it was the gadget of the day. It was the world's first popular computer. And it was a device that, in fact, is a model of the sky.
Vladislav: He was an 18th century dandy, so he can be very fussy
When I left 20th Century-Fox to freelance, my agent believed that getting big money was the way to establish real importance in our industry.
There is little doubt that we are in the midst of a revolution of a much more profound and fundamental nature than the social and political revolutions of the last half century.
Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.
One of the most powerful devices of poetry is the use of distortions. You can go from talking about the way a minute passes to the way a century passes, or a lifetime.
I firmly believe that the mission of religion in the 21st century must be to contribute concretely to the peaceful coexistence of humankind.
Over the centuries, religion has become institutionalized, and in the process encrusted with elaborate hierarchies, top-heavy bureaucracies, highly specialized roles and reflexive routines.
Afghanistan's borders are arbitrary, drawn to meet 19th-century political needs rather than to respect ethnic or religious patterns.
We seem to have a compulsion these days to bury time capsules in order to give those people living in the next century or so some idea of what we are like.
First, it doesn't surprise me that traditional music has experienced a kind of exhaustion in the 20th century - not forgetting that many musicians started to look outside the traditional structures of tonality.
For centuries, the question of men needing to comprehend women simply didn't arise. Men were valued according to how they measured up to the manly virtues.
Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision.
Cruelty to men and to the lower animals as well, which would have passed unnoticed a century ago, now shocks the sensibilities and is regarded as wicked and degrading.
When the Constitution was written, the founders had no way of anticipating the new technologies that would evolve in the coming centuries.
Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic diseases of the 20th century, and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press.
Sometimes you just stumble into something that works, and here I am a quarter of a century later.
No other place can so convincingly claim to be the capital of capitalism, the capital of the 20th century and the capital of the world.
The more centuries that I am able to score, the happier I will be.