-to judge us all through the machine of the Commandant's monstrous fictions! As though they were the truth! As though history & the written word were friends, rather than adversaries!
In fact, the Devil is delighted when we spend our time and energy defending the Bible, as long as we do not get around to actually reading the Bible.
I've always felt lucky to live someplace where snow is rare, you know? It's rareness that makes it so speacial.
By eliminating choice there is in turn an elimination of growth. You must have a choice and in experiencing both the light and the dark you are given a wonderful opportunity to choose.
[Vincent is looking at the 12-fingered pianist] Irene: You didn't know? Vincent: Oh, I knew. Irene: It's amazing, isn't it? Vincent: Twelve fingers or one, it's how you play Irene: That piece can only be played with twelve.
Oskar: Are you a vampire? Eli: I live off blood... Yes. Oskar: Are you... dead? Eli: No. Can't you tell? Oskar: But... Are you old? Eli: I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time.
[Mortimer has just been talking to his aunts but was interrupted by the phone ringing. He now hangs it up] Mortimer Brewster: Now, where was I? Twelve... *TWELVE*? [He runs back to talk to his aunts again]
Think how nature makes things compared to how we humans make things." We talked about how animals don't just preserve the next generation; they typically preserve the environment for the ten-thousandth generation. While human industrial processes can...
Your Temporary Santa, "He says presents aren't important, but I think they are- not because of how much they cost, but for the opportunity they provide to say 'I understand you.
It will be like having an extreme close-up in high definition to examine each freckle, while failing to notice whether the person is even wearing pants.
I am not important. If I take a break, no one dies. And this is A Good Thing.
She wanted to be free, and if she could never be free, at least she wanted to be brave - brave enough not to sell herself, no matter what the payment, or the cost of refusing.
Some kinds of misery make you hate the world, but some kinds make you hate yourself, and--butter and cheese not withstanding--Neve had no question that Spear was the latter.
Buy one I love you for $3.99. Buy twelve for $48.00. That’s a savings of twelve cents—directly into my bank account. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD—Objects not intended for individuals who tend to put forever objects in their mouths.
It is we humans that need to forgive others and ourselves for all wrongs, no matter what they may be. Only by forgiveness can we move higher up in our ascension and see in truth, there was never really anything there that needed forgiving
Now for a good twelve-hour sleep, I told myself. Twelve solid hours. Let birds sing, let people go to work. Somewhere out there, a volcano might blow, Israeli commandos might decimate a Palestinian village. I couldn't stop it. I was going to sleep.
Not that kind of cheating," Mags said. "More like...skipping ahead. If you like someone, you should have to make an effort. You should have to get to know the person--you should have to work for that first kiss.
Unless you interfere with your belief system, which is where you make most of your decisions, you will recreate the status quo.
I remember when I was in graduate school and someone in workshop would say, 'I'm going to bring in a chapter of my novel.' The thought that someone could think they'd write a whole long thing... I could only see twelve pages ahead. But then I realize...
I learned that the purpose of the Twelve Steps is to do the will of God.
It's unbelievable what one squadron of twelve aircraft did to tip the balance.