Max Bialystock: That's exactly why we want to produce this play. To show the world the true Hitler, the Hitler you loved, the Hitler you knew, the Hitler with a song in his heart.
Samir: When two people see each other after 4 years and still fight together, it shows that there is something unsolved between them.
Herbie Stemple: You know why they call them Indians? Because Columbus thought he was in India. They're "Indians" because some white guy got lost.
[to a reporter outside the committee hearing] Herbie Stemple: You know what the problem with you bums is? You never leave a guy alone unless you're leaving him alone.
Herbie Stemple: Come and see Herbie Stempel get thrown to the Columbia lions! Watch Charles Van Doren eat his first kosher meal in his life.
Dick Goodwin: I asked myself, "why would he do this, he knows I'll come after him?" Then it occurred to me. He knows I'll come after him.
Will Rodman: [from trailer] Caesar shows cognitive skills that far exceed that of a human counterpart. The drug in his system has radicly boosted healthy brain functions.
[last lines] Ivan: Look... [shows a photo to Andrey] Andrey: Hide it. [Ivan puts the photo back] Ivan: Andrey, my feet are wet. Andrey: Take your shoes off.
[Shrek bursts into Fiona's and Farquaad's wedding] Lord Farquaad: Now really, it's rude enough being alive when no one wants you, but showing up uninvited to a wedding?
Gunshot Boy: Hey, come on! I'll show you where my dad keeps his gun. Come on! [turns to reveal bloody hole in the back of his head]
Gold Hat: Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges.
Vlad: [Points at wanted poster of Flynn Rider] Is this you? [Moves finger away to show a long nose on the poster] Flynn Rider: Oh, now they're just being mean.
[repeated line] Truman: Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
Christof: We need more light, we'll never find him this way. What time is it? Chloe: It's... way too early for that. Christof: Cue the sun.
Bus Driver: [unable to get the ferry moving] I'm usually the bus driver! Production Assistant: [into his radio] Bottom line is they can't drive the boat. They're actors!
Nigel Tufnel: [Showing Marty his Les Paul] [Imitating Vibrato] Nigel Tufnel: You can go have a bite and [vibrato] Nigel Tufnel: you'd still be hearing that.
Many years ago, in the throes of my struggles on the PGA Tour, I had difficulty even getting into pro-ams. I needed money, so I put together a 45-minute magic show I'd perform at corporate events surrounding the tournament.
Look, you're here to see me, and I can't go on until my dealer is here, and he's waiting to be paid, so give me some money so I can fix up, and then you'll get your show.
I started off as a juggler. I used to do a half-hour show on the weekends to make money as a kid. Then I went to Cleveland, Ohio in 1983 to the international jugglers competition junior division and came second. So that was my first job, being a jugg...
Stories come from other shows at other studios where only 2,000 rounds were actually used and the money for the other 3,000 went right into the studio pockets. Corners were cut and that production suffered. Knock wood, that hasn't happened to us.
India may be the soul of world cricket, but IPL is its commercial heart. Just as 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' changed the ground rules for quiz shows by injecting a massive dose of money into the equation, IPL has changed the dynamics of the crick...