Love is 100% percent practical, oral performance is an ultimate turn-off, whether you like it or not.
I think the lottery changed everything for us. Once we got Sidney, it helped us turn this franchise around overnight.
When I was younger and studying acting, I never ever saw myself in the sitcom world; it was drama that really turned me on and still does.
I've often stood silent at a party for hours listening to my movie idols turn into dull and little people.
The littlest thing can have the strongest connection when you're grieving. Your Proustian, poetic nerve is turned up to ten.
Freedom of religion is not enough; we need the extinction of it, because no one has turned to be a religious by their own choice.
Don't turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place. That's where the light enters you.
Things are not getting better. They are getting worse. We need to elect Mitt Romney to turn things around.
I turned down a lot of things that were so-called commercial. You're coming out of one film, and then they want you to be in the same one.
seize the day, because believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die
There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it.
When you turn your back on hypocrisy and do nothing you don’t change the hearts of others you change yours.
If we turn on the lights in the dark, we would then gain the ability to see our true enemies.
Somebody asked me what do you regret. I said, well I was offered the role of Maverick in 'Top Gun' and I turned it down.
I do have a television over there - it was a gift - but I never turn it on. I'd rather read a book.
I think we all want to know that if our lives don't turn out the way we imagine, there's still a purpose.
In trying to justify the humanities, as in trying to live a life, what may turn out to matter most is holding one's nerve.
My mum is just the sweetest person on Earth, and if I turned into her, I wouldn't be that upset at all; in fact, it would be an honour.
When I was turning 40, I felt that there were no books out there that hit the spot in terms of what I wanted to read.
I have forgiven Jesus for all of the love he placed in me, when there's no one I can turn to with this love.
Many people are turned off at eating vegetarian because of the misconception that all dishes are just an arrangement of bland vegetables.