I try to travel as light as possible to avoid baggage issues. Los Angeles airport is notorious for baggage delays, so I'll often FedEx a suitcase ahead or back so I don't need to stand around; it also minimises problems at check-in.
The public is very forgiving. So we're not trying to obtain some level of perfection that can't be obtained. But if you're straightforward and honest and your constituents trust you, they'll help you get through the times when you fall short.
Because Microsoft seems to sometimes not trust customer choice, they salt XP with all these little gizmos and trap doors to get people to try Microsoft stuff. But the reality is that we're downloading more players than we ever have on a worldwide bas...
In the plays - that's where I go crazy. But my prose has a much lighter touch; it's not trying to thrill with language, just to be more truthful. I'm not concerned with the accuracy of anything. We don't get to the truth of anything with facts.
Dante Hicks: [after Emma flashes Randal] What'd you do that for? You realize he just thinks you're trying to get him into a threeway with us now, don't you?
Charles Foster Kane: I don't know how to run a newspaper, Mr. Thatcher; I just try everything I can think of.
Cal: I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one... you never give up.
[first lines] Debbie: It scares us just thinking about it. When you hear it, you're gonna think we're insane. Ed Warren: Try Us. Please, from the start.
Steve Rogers: We have nowhere else to go. Natasha Romanoff: Everyone we know is trying to kill us. Sam Wilson: [takes them in] Not everyone...
Automated MNU Instructional Voice: [in MNU Humvee] When dealing with aliens, try to be polite, but firm. And always remember that a smile is cheaper than a bullet.
Leon: He won't listen to anybody. He's been very crazy all summer. Since June he's been trying to kill me.
Tyler Durden: Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat. It's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and just let go! LET GO!
Baxter gunman #1: [to Joe] Well, I suppose you could try getting a job as a scarecrow. Baxter Gunman 2: No, the crows are liable to scare him maybe.
Priest Vito Cornelius: What are you doing? Korben Dallas: Trying to save your ass so you can save the world.
Alice the Maid: I don't know anything about no dope! Dr. Gonzo: Come on lady, don't try and tell us you've never heard of the Grange Gorman.
Melvin B. Tolson: We're holding tryouts for the debate team. Henry Lowe: You sure you want somebody like me? Melvin B. Tolson: No. That's why you're trying out.
Carol Connelly: Come on in, and try not to ruin everything by being you. Melvin Udall: Maybe we could live *without* the wisecracks. Carol Connelly: Maybe we could.
Patrick Kenzie: We're just trying to help, captain. Capt. Jack Doyle: Look, I don't care who does it. I just want it done.
Amsterdam Vallon: New York loved William Tweed... and hated him but for those of us trying to be thieves, we couldn't help but admire him.
Seamus: It's not like I *try* to blow things up, exactly, it just sorta happens. You gotta admit though, fire is fascinating.
Jack Ryan: Well, Sir, I was just thinking that perhaps there's another possibility we might consider. Ramius might be trying to defect.