Cease trying to work everything out with your mind. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be a Revelation.
About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead.
Always in all my books I'm trying to reveal or help to reveal the hidden greatness of the small, of the little, of the unknown - and the pettiness of the big.
Writing is a marvelous adventure and very labor-intensive: those words run away and try to escape. They are very difficult to capture.
I try to recognize that there is no such thing as having it all - and it's impossible to be perfect. You just have to let certain things go.
The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeed in the one and the further the other will recede.
So you try to think of someone else you're mad at, and the unavoidable answer pops into your little warped brain: everyone.
But it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers.
What ever you do try to solve out any differences in your relationship/marriage because marriages are for keeps and God hates divorce anyway.
Shading is more like copying. And certainly I do copy, but I'm making drawings, and I'm not trying to make them with the shading.
I don't watch TV. When people at my house try to talk about TV, I'm like, 'Ah, I have no idea what I'm talking about.'
The whole purpose of writing a book is to be understood - if other people write about you, they try to guess why you did things, or they hear things from other people.
I will try to cram these paragraphs full of facts and give them a weight and shape no greater than that of a cloud of blue butterflies.
No matter how hard you try to teach your cat general relativity, you're going to fail.
We all have struggle in our lives. We're all searching for personal freedom, whether we're in a bad place or trying to be true to ourselves.
We are a people trying not only to solve the problems of the present: unemployment, inflation... but we are attempting on a larger scale to fulfill the promise of America.
When something seems wrong in your life, the only way to have resolution with it is to let it go. Trying to make it right keeps it wrong.
We all have idols. Play like anyone you care about but try to be yourself while you're doing so.
I think that all of us either lose touch with the child inside us or try and hold onto it because it so precious to us and it's such an extraordinary part of our lives.
I think that various styles and methods and approaches are an invention of people who don't understand the process of acting and who try very hard to label things.
I always try to be myself. Ever since I was an introverted kid, I'd get on stage and be able to break out of my shell.