In the beginning, when I was trying to write, I couldn't turn off the outside world to the extent that I can now.
From a Hindu perspective, you are born as what you need to deal with, and if you just try and push it away, whatever it is, it's got you.
What's wrong with being elitist if you are trying to encourage people to join the elite rather than being exclusive?
I am all for trying out various kinds of hair styles. I have even worn a wig earlier in a film where I essayed the part of a woman.
But for me, the challenge is how you turn a character into behavior. Once the director says 'action', you just try to live between those two worlds.
What is the Obama Doctrine? It seems to be one of disengagement, to try to ignore the hot, religious, dry, poor countries from Algeria to Pakistan.
A business who does not try to obtain changes to aim for more, is a business who doesn't intent to maintain its success.
The North Koreas of the world are trying very hard to acquire the material they need to acquire nuclear weapons, as is the case with Iran.
Science is a way of trying not to fool yourself. The principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.
We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress.
I do like match play. I like trying to match an opponent shot for shot. It's a challenge. And it's something different.
I'd never try to be that distinctive from the Bee Gees' sound. I'm very proud of being a Bee Gee and am always aware that I'll be identified as a Bee Gee.
Acting isn't that hard, really. I mean, I think that people make a big deal about it, but you just kind of try to say your lines naturally.
When you delete from your thinking, you give yourself permission to imagine, to believe, to try, and to accomplish phenomenal things.
The only ship you can truly steer in this ocean is the one you're sailing. Quit trying to alter the winds; harness them.
I tend to write things and don't go the next step and try to get it published. I don't want to do book signings and stuff.
Don't be scared to try new things, but remember to hold on to the vision of your company and the initial successes that defined your brand.
The best managers figure out how to get great outcomes by setting the appropriate context, rather than by trying to control their people.
I mean, Rick James was just a man-made image, the image I created. Just trying to live Rick James almost killed me.
I played basketball. I went to school and played basketball and was trying to pursue that as a career path and kind of just fell into acting.
I knew that my father was going to die of heart disease, and I was trying to make a heart for him.