It makes no difference how low tuition is if the student has no source of funds to pay that tuition.
A great irony is that the quest for secular immortality is being funded by foundations and individuals who seem to hate life
As more government functions are privatized, we find political leaders defunding the public school system, shifting government funds to the private, for-profit school industry.
Bridges and roads take years to build, but too often, states and communities haven't known if funding will be there for them more than a few months at a time.
The ability to select stocks, manage them over time and know when to sell them is incredibly difficult, even for professional fund managers.
On balance, after weighing the arguments, I believe that the time has come for Australia to create a new sovereign wealth fund.
A novelty in Polish filmmaking was that it was possible to find funds for a big production. However, at the same time, the state budget committed less and less money to filmmaking.
College is expensive; I always knew that, and I wanted to make money, partially to spend a little of it here and there, but primarily for a college savings fund.
All of the reality TV I've done has usually been simultaneously an opportunity to create awareness or raise funds for my mom's breast cancer organization.
23andMe is pleased to bring public funding to bear on data and research driven by the public - our more than 180,000 customers.
A jack of both sides, is before long, trusted by nobody, and abused by both parties.
The daily circumstances of life will afford us opportunities enough of glorifying God in trust, without our waiting for any extraordinary calls upon faith, our faith. Let us remember that the extraordinary circumstances of life are but few; that much...
The Internet is not so different from a highly interactive videogame with competitors set to be offed.
I wonder if people really know what the definition of crowd-funding is. Or, if there's even an agreed upon definition of what it is.
It proved to be pretty impossible to get funds for a feature film in Finland. It's still small, but the film industry was miniscule at that point in the early '80s.
Britain leads the way in fund raising. I am so proud of Britain.
To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
The average mutual fund holding period for equity or fixed income is only about three years. It's too short.
Arizona is in the midst of a fiscal crisis. We've cut school funding. And they pass a bill questioning Obama's citizenship? For real?
Too often we're happy to receive thanks from the nonprofits we fund, accepting gratitude instead of feedback or performance measurements.
While the revolution will be certainly televised, it strikes me that there is a strong possibility that the revolution will also be crowd-funded.