It is true that a great statesman is he who knows when to depart from traditions, as well as when to adhere to them. But it is a great mistake to suppose that he will do this better for being ignorant of the traditions.
Many of our leadership practices have gone from being tried and true to being tired and tarnished.
One thing you'll learn as you get older, Simon, is that when people tell you something unpleasant about themselves, it's usually true.
True contemplation is not a psychological trick but a theological grace. It can come to us ONLY as a gift, and not as a result of our own clever use of spiritual techniques.
The antidote to exhaustion may not be rest but wholeheartedness... we are typically exhausted because we are not doing our TRUE work.
Be aware of your breathing and breathe naturally. This will lead you into unity with the great flow of Life, your true nature.
Conscience is the absolute truthfulness perceived, which comes from Nothing, our true nature, and as such reflects things exactly the way they are.
It appeared that way, Lawrence, but this raised the question of was mathematics really true or was it just a game played with symbols? In other words—are we discovering Truth, or just wanking?
His body was perfect. His parents were loaded. His grades were terrible. He was a high school girl’s dream come true.
A moderate silence ensued. A neutral-to-slightly-positive silence. True, silence is still silence, except when you think about it too much.
Still, it is surely true of all animals, and all conscious people, that the pain we inflict on each other is in some ways due process for living in the world.
But there's a beginning in an end, you know? It's true that you can't reclaim what you had, but you can lock it up behind you. Start fresh.
My mom used to say that sometimes just saying something aloud was enought to make it true. I wasn't so sure about that.
The true asset before any human being on this planet are... Enthusiasm & Will... with these everything comes from nothingness & devoid of them everything perishes to nothingness...
The remedy of disharmony is not in surrender but in understanding more about ones self & acting out of pure Will... Desire 2 will; The art of transforming a desire into a formidable force of True Will
The art of making True promises within ones ownself is termed as Will (Sankalp)... for beginners (like me) it is a tough learning and for siddhas; they just become that way... effortlessly they sail...
True humility isn’t thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of yourself exactly the way God thinks of you; not more and not less.
I don't need to see the trail to know you're at the end of it. My grandfather's compass may not work, but mine is still true.
Unless you allow yourself to seek your inner depths; the surfacial affairs of life shall always engross you in mundane Routines... Arise and stand apart... for true growth...
What’s the good of being true to your religion on the outside, if you don’t change what’s on the inside,were it really counts ?
The true magic of novels dwells within us individually. Each reader will interpret every single character, scene, and metaphor in a slightly different way