Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections. For love which hath ends, will have an end; whereas that which is founded on true virtue, will always continue.
The habit of upgrading your mind with self-development messages is highly important, if you desire to reach the pinnacle of your true destiny in life.
True winners remain winners because they truly believe that challenges, struggles, and obstacles can all lead to big blessings through persistence and perseverance.
Life is not a competition between you and others; rather, it's a journey to continuously make the very best out of your true abilities in life.
Don't ever shelter the feeling of discouragement in your mind, because it only comes to distract one from one's true abilities in life.
It is so sad that too many individuals spend their entire lives trying to impress people who are mostly clueless about their true purpose on earth.
The moment one discovers one's true purpose in life, one will never dare to live one's life trying to impress others or worrying about what others think.
One of the sweetest things about success is that no one else has to believe in your abilities for your dream to come true.
You can never tell how much drive that lies in you until you discover your true passion in life.
Be strong enough to ignore the negative opinions of people, so that your positive spirit could illuminate your true unique colors.
A positive change has never been a result of worrying, complaining and making excuses instead of focusing on manifesting your true destiny.
Every given moment calls for you to examine the thoughts and beliefs in your mind to ensure that they are constantly in favor of your true destiny on earth.
There aren't too many priceless feelings on earth that could equate to the feeling that comes with shinning the light of manifestation on your true passion in life.
if one is unfamiliar with the infinite power of the subconscious mind, then one is absolutely far from living up to one's true potential in life.
Taking positive control of your daily thoughts is the only way that you can discover your true self.
You don't have to fake your lifestyle to be relevant. You are already a perfect creation from God. Be proud of your true self.
God has already elevated your true potential on earth. So isn't it time for you to start dreaming a little bigger?
Whatever it is that may happen in your life, never stop pushing ahead; success still remains your true destiny on earth.
I see life from a clearer view because I refuse to betray my true destiny by living with a crowd mentality.
It is always such an amazing feeling when you start to courageously and confidentely move to the cadence of your true positive purpose on earth.
If they laugh at you for being true to yourself, laugh back at them for not knowing how great it feels to be in love with one's positive self.