I see the job of directing as being one of creating the right atmosphere, creating an environment where people can realize their full potential.
What should exist? To me, that's the most exciting question imaginable. What do we need that we don't have? How can we realize our potential?
I will fight for my children on any level so they can reach their potential as human beings and in their public duties.
The only way you'll have a pen of potential Romeos from your past to choose from is to actually have a past.
Before you approach a production entity or even a potential producer, you should write up a treatment and register your show with the Writers Guild of America.
As a teenager I had no idea that I had the potential to win an Olympic gold medal and my athletic career developed only by lucky circumstances.
There comes that mysterious meeting in life when someone acknowledges who we are and what we can be, igniting the circuits of our highest potential.
By welcoming eager, talented workers, we expand America's potential for growth, and our competitive culture of invention and possibility.
Through social media, young people are constantly being pinged about a whole slew of potentially better matches or social activities.
To exist, the triangle demands three complementary elements: love, power and danger. Mixed incautiously, these elements, like those in physics, are volatile and potentially explosive.
Never before have the tools of value creation been so great and the potential artisans so busy watching the Kardashians.
I don't think the potential for comics in nonfiction has been exploited nearly as much as it could be.
Threats from the street may be potentially lethal, but the threat from the "enemy within" is a far worse hazard to a law officers health and wellbeing.
The threat from Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction - chemical, biological, potentially nuclear weapons capability - that threat is real.
You get a lot of apps and companies that are trying to sell you on something that's totally useless or potentially unhealthy. Only occasionally does something really worthwhile really come out.
Today, children are watching more and more television, and are bombarded over and over with images and content that have the potential to dramatically influence their behavior.
The only way you can reach your full potential is if you open up and allow your self to be exposed to how you really feel.
For some individuals - some soldiers, some contractors - combat provides a kind of purpose and meaning beyond which all else potentially pales in comparison.
Saying 'I don’t know' is one of the most powerful things you can say because it creates the potential to find out.
I don't think I'm even close to fulfilling my potential. And I think also that, unlike a pianist or a flutist, an actor has an instrument that is constantly changing.
I am unique. I have mission. I have a calling. I will fulfill my highest potential and calling.