A man's true state of power and riches is to be in himself.
Half the lies they tell about me aren't true.
I think success shows a person's true colors.
True music must repeat the thought and inspirations of the people and the time.
Sticking with a marriage. That's true grit, man.
Learn what is true in order to do what is right.
It was a dream come true for me to be at the Olympics.
Pascal Lee is a true pioneer of Mars exploration.
True will is wishing backed by power.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
It simply is not true that war never settles anything.
What's strange about the whole thing is that although it's riddled with nonsense, altogether it's true - Julie's told our story, mine and hers, our friendship, so truthfully. It is us. We even had the same dream at the same time. How could we have ha...
But, said Lewis, myths are lies, even though lies breathed through silver. No, said Tolkien, they are not. ...just as speech is invention about objects and ideas, so myth is invention about truth. We have come from God (continued Tolkien), and inevit...
We always want what is not ours. It’s intriguing. We think if we can just get that, we’ll finally be happy. The lure of what we do not have is deceptive. True freedom, however, is found in being content with what we already have. Can you imagine ...
Jim Kurring: Now calm yourself down. Marcie: [shouts] I am calm! Jim Kurring: No you are not calm. You're screaming at me. Do you understand? I got a call for disturbance, and I'm going to checking it out. That is what I'm going to do. Are you alone ...
This kind of passionate faith can be painful. Not caring is easy. Caring hurts. Caring costs you something. But without this sort of faith, you will never create to your fullest potential. Faith is a gift. Like I've said, felt belief is not necessari...
Memory, instead of being a duplicate, always present before one's eyes, of the various events of one's life, is rather a void from which at odd moments a chance resemblance enables ones to resuscitate dead recollections, but even then, there are innu...
It's chemical, fancying him is purely chemical. It's intoxicating - the frisson, the attraction - it's intoxicating because it's purely chemical. But you'll just have to remember the wedding ring - divorcees don't wear wedding rings. This guy has his...
I find it sad that more Christian literature does not address miracles, and the possibility of demons in our midst. Jesus performed countless miracles in his life that were clearly discussed in the New Testament. And, he cast out demons. Why do some ...
That absolute, ultimate reality is always there within us (as it is everywhere else, as well). whether we are aware of it or not, it is there, like the sun shining behind the clouds, invisible because of the clouds, but undeniably there. The sun of o...
. . . if you close your eyes and begin to feel your breath, it will instantly become deeper and slower, and your mind will become calmer. Then gradually you'll become aware of your body, or more precisely the subtle sense of energy inside and around ...