I believe there is a strong familial pull as the influence of beloved ancestors continues with us from the other side of the veil.
I believe in discipline, so I'm not the right person to cry about weakness and things like this, but maybe I'm not human.
However, the moral center of New York City, I believe, is the New York City Ballet.
Obviously there will be a backlash. If you believe the hype you have to believe a backlash too. Any criticism we get, is always stuff we've already criticised ourselves.
I tend to be naive and gullible, I guess, but I try to believe that governments believe what they say.
I believe in collaboration. I think that is the most entertaining and effective way to write for me, personally.
It's easy to be cynical in this day and age, but I believe that everyone has some good in them. And by good, I'm referring to "good cholesterol".
I believe in rules of behavior, and I'm quite interested in stories about the consequences of breaking those rules.
I believe that the end of things man-made cannot be very far away - must be near at hand.
I believe in pursuing my own morality. That is all I have ever stuck by. It is my own morality that really matters.
I believe an invitation from the Commission on Presidential Debates is similar to a draft notice - a civic responsibility.
I believe that with the help of foreign countries - and under that condition only, because they have no other source of financing - the new government may temporarily extricate Georgia from the current situation.
I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.
I believe imagination to be a uniquely human gift. The reason I like my job, and have liked it for more than half a century, is that I get to use my imagination.
But I believe that the DPKO at this time was very much involved with American administration and was acting, taking on consideration the demand or the recommendation of the American administration. American administration was very powerful.
Right now, it's really about my fans knowing that whatever I believed spiritually at the time is what I believed. I just wouldn't deliberately lie to them just to save my image.
Even so, one step from my grave, I believe that cruelty, spite, The powers of darkness will in time, Be crushed by the spirit of light.
There is no longer time for statements like 'if only' or 'we can't.' We must and we will succeed. The only question now is how and when. I believe the time is now.
I believe that a lot of what we put in our bodies really can harm us. It's been proven that people who eat Mediterranean and Japanese diets live for a very long time.
I believe very deeply in the proposition that what we did in Iraq was the right thing to do. It was hard to do. It took a long time. There were significant costs involved.
I believe that global warming is a myth. And so, therefore, I have no conscience problems at all and I'm going to buy a Suburban next time.