I've gotten tons of awards and I believe when it's my time to get a Grammy, I'll get a Grammy.
I believe there are more urgent and honorable occupations than the incomparable waste of time we call suffering.
Virginia Woolf: Leonard, I believe I may have a first sentence.
I believe the old boys' network is a powerful one. No one gives up power and privilege willingly, do they?
If you believe, you believe; if you're faithful, you're faithful. I don't care what your religion is. The same if you're agnostic. That should be accepted, too.
A Bush Administration will, I believe, enjoy a better relationship with the new Congress, although President-elect Bush will be faced with real challenges in getting along with the Congress.
I believe a relationship with a country is simply bound to the interests of two countries and not by personal issues.
I believe that if you reject and don't respect what you have now, that's ingratitude. I'm grateful for everything I have today.
I believe in general in a dualism between facts and the ideas of those facts in human heads.
I believe you'll develop speed via strength work which includes hill running, either repeats, or running hilly courses as the Kenyans do on a steady basis.
I don't think success is harmful, as so many people say. Rather, I believe it indispensable to talent, if for nothing else than to increase the talent.
It is better, as far as getting the vote is concerned, I believe, to have a small, united group than an immense debating society.
I cannot believe there is caste system in society; I cannot believe people are judged on the basis of their prosperity.
I believe the reason I love painting so much is that it forces one to be objective.
I think it would be wrong to consider 'Ashes and Fire' a love album. The record is obsessed with time. I believe that there is a kinder view of the self on this record.
I believe that love is the choice we make to raise ourselves and others to the highest planes of existence.
Music is an extremely powerful force if used properly to uplift people. I believe music should be uplifting and not downgrading... it's a very, very powerful tool.
I believe that there are many interesting projects that are potentially possible for me other than game music, and therefore in my mind there are several things that are being contemplated.
I believe it should be possible for someone stricken with a serious and ultimately fatal illness to choose to die peacefully with medical help, rather than suffer.
First thing every morning before you arise say out loud, 'I believe,' three times.
When I'm weak, you can be strong; when I'm strong, you can be weak. That's what I believe marriage is.