Mr. Incredible: I was wrong to treat you that way. I'm sorry... Syndrome: See? Now you respect me, because I'm a threat. That's the way it works. Turns out there are lots of people, whole countries, that want respect, and will pay through the nose to...
[first lines] Max: I still ask myself if I did the right thing when I abandoned his floating city. And I don't mean only for the work. The fact is, a friend like that, a real friend - you won't meet one again. If you just decide to hang up your sea l...
Jackson Bentley: [on his interest in Lawrence and the Arab Revolt] I'm looking for a hero. Prince Feisal: Indeed, you do not seem a romantic man. Jackson Bentley: Oh, no! But certain influential men back home believe the time has come for America to ...
Cowboy: A man's attitude... a man's attitude goes some ways. The way his life will be. Is that somethin' you agree with? Adam Kesher: Sure. Cowboy: Now... did you answer cause you thought that's what I wanted to hear, or did you think about what I sa...
Jack Walsh: Oh Marvin, you did it this time! Marvin Dorfler: What the fuck are you talking about? Jack Walsh: Those were hired killers back there! Marvin Dorfler: Hired to kill who? Jack Walsh: [pointing to Mardukas] Hired to kill this guy! Jonathan ...
Santa: [singing] Release me now or you'll have to face the dire consequences. / The children are expecting me, so please come to your senses. Oogie Boogie Man: [singing] You're jokin', you're jokin'! / I can't believe my ears! / Would someone shut th...
Dr. Berger: Now. You can live with that. Can't you? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: I'm so scared! I'm scared. Dr. Berger: Feelings are scary. And sometimes they're painful. And if you can't feel pain... you won't feel anything else either. You know what I'm s...
Mullroy: What's your purpose in Port Royal, Mr. Smith? Murtogg: Yeah, and no lies. Jack Sparrow: Well, then, I confess, it is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my wea...
The Count: To all our listeners, this is what I have to say - God bless you all. And as for you bastards in charge, don't dream it's over. Years will come, years will go, and politicians will do fuck all to make the world a better place. But all over...
Chas: Looks like you and Dad are back together again, huh. Richie: He's your dad too, Chas. Chas: No, he's not. Richie: Yes, he is. Chas: You really hate me, don't you? Richie: No. I don't. I love you. Chas: Well, I don't know what you think you're g...
[after allowing the simulated Enterprise to be destroyed] Saavik: Permission to speak freely, sir? Kirk: Granted. Saavik: I do not believe this was a fair test of my command abilities. Kirk: And why not? Saavik: Because... there was no way to win. Ki...
[Edward and Elinor are baiting Margaret, who is playfully hiding] Edward Ferrars: I, eh, wish to check the position of the Nile. My sister tells me it is in South America. Elinor Dashwood: Oh. No. No, um, she's quite wrong, um, for I believe it is in...
Sean Cassidy: You truly believe I'll fly this time? Professor Charles Xavier: Unreservedly. Sean Cassidy: I trust you. Professor Charles Xavier: I'm touched. Sean Cassidy: [pointing at Hank] I don't trust him. Professor Charles Xavier: [to Hank] Say ...
Justin - DEVGRU: So Patrick, be honest with me. You really believe this story? I mean [turns to Maya] Justin - DEVGRU: no offense, no offense, I don't. [turns away] Justin - DEVGRU: But... Osama bin Laden? Patrick - Squadron Team Leader: Yeah. Justin...
Aladdin: Jasmine? I'm sorry I lied to you about being a prince. Princess Jasmine: I know why you did. Aladdin: Well, I guess... this... is goodbye? Princess Jasmine: Oh, that stupid law. This isn't fair! I love you. [Genie wipes away a tear from his ...
Scott, Foreign Editor: It's a dangerous story for this paper. Ben Bradlee: How dangerous? Scott, Foreign Editor: Well, it's not that we're using nameless sources that bothers me. Or that everything we print, the White House denies. Or that no other p...
Robert the Bruce: Lands, titles, men, power, nothing. Robert's Father: Nothing? Robert the Bruce: I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and their children. Those men who bled the gr...
Except now everything is digital even murder. There is a record for everything under the sun from the moon and back whether we like it or not. The image that I have of the future is that it is very bleak. It is darkness visible. The black dog of depr...
One minute you are here and the next moment you are some place else, some time a long ago. That is the thing about your mind. Memories. Everything still exists in the folds of your brain; you may try to forget or honestly believe that you have forgot...
There's a school of thought today that rejects patriotism. People are made nervous by that intense allegiance to a country. They think it can only lead to war and bloodshed and that fights can be avoided if we all just compromise and get along. And, ...
The master no longer says: You will think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property, and everything else. But from this day forth you shall be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic ...