It is easier to debunk a thousand myths than to write one true sentence.
Thank God even crazy dreams come true
Not being known doesn't stop the truth from being true.
True originality consists not in a new manner, but in a new vision.
Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.
War paralyzes your courage and deadens the spirit of true manhood.
I know what real courage is, and I understand true compassion.
The true index of a man's character is the health of his wife.
No true and permanent fame can be founded except in labors which promote the happiness of mankind.
It is like writing history with lightning and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.
If something is true, no amount of wishful thinking will change it.
My professional dreams were coming true while I was living a personal nightmare.
My office is at Yankee stadium. Yes, dreams do come true.
I worshipped Berry Gordy for the creative dreams he had made come true.
True, a little learning is a dangerous thing, but it still beats total ignorance.
A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.
I'm a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it's bad or good.
Do as many gigs as the good Lord sends. That's the only true training.
Every good poet includes a critic, but the reverse is not true.
The biggest fear I have is to die with regrets, and of course that will come true.
There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment.