The artists I look up to are the ones who push their own limits.
By and large, the artistic establishment disapproved of Margaret Thatcher.
I have to plead basic ignorance of most new jazz artists here.
I'm an artistic person and a creator. I'm not a scientific. I'm not an engineer.
I am isolated as an artist, not as a person.
My favorite artists have always been Elvis and The Beatles and they still are!
I'm an artist that's attracted to a specific way of seeing and a way of being.
My mother was always encouraging about my wanting to be an artist.
No, as an artist, you have to be free to explore all the corners of your heart. There are no boundaries.
An author is an artist who paints a picture in the imagination of the reader.
When you've found your inner artist, suddenly nothing is ever finished
I've just begun to dare to think I perhaps am a bit of an artist.
Artists like cats; soldiers like dogs.
I am the greatest marital artist in the world.
The most valiant thing you can do as an artist is inspire someone else to be creative.
As far as artists and musicians, they don't retire. They might tour less.
Marvin Gaye was one of the coolest. I look to him as a style icon and as an artist.
There are a lot of people who can now see me as an artist for the first time.
Lately I've been a workaholic. I'm in the studio all the time and I've helped to produce a couple of artists.
I usually prepare a track and then I work with the artist when it's time to do the vocals.
No artist is ahead of his time. He is his time; it is just that others are behind the times.