These three elements are called Qawwali, and they've got to be there.
Gossip is called gossip because it's not always the truth.
But this is called show business, not show family.
Death calls ye to the crowd of common men.
That great dust-heap called 'history'.
I have a band called Sons of the Lawless.
I get called 'controversial' all the time.
To even be called the 'teen queen' is crazy.
There is a syndrome in sports called 'paralysis by analysis.'
On the one hand, the press, television, and movies make heroes of vandals by calling them whiz kids.
No one's ever called me anything but 'Arne.'
I've not been called on to do a lot of accent work.
We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.
I'm fat! There's nothing else to call it.
Actors have these delicate appendages called Egos.
I don't even call myself a Christian.
A chief called Lawyer, because he was a great talker, took the lead in the council, and sold nearly all the Nez Perce country.
That fatal drollery called a representative government.
I'm not a prude. On the set, they called me 'Butt Naked.'
The need itself is not the call.
I was sometimes called 'coconut' when I was at school.