I can't cook to save my life.
Life is a winking light in the darkness.
I simply have a marvellous life, a very lucky life.
Forrest Gump: You died on a Saturday morning. And I had you placed here under our tree. And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground. Momma always said dyin' was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't. Little Forrest, he's doing just ...
I believe it will have become evident why, for me, adjectives such as happy, contented, blissful, enjoyable, do not seem quite appropriate to any general description of this process I have called the good life, even though the person in this process ...
Hope as evidence of life. Life as evidence of death.
LIFE is a shit, So we are taking it...
Celebrate your life, this is your only life.
Life is great with positive outlook on life.
Joyful life, sharing life with people.
My life is my testimony.
Death has a life which kills everybody's life
Sound comes out of a life experience.
Most of my life I was occupied with American television and American food. My ethnicity was my choice. It still is.
My family and school life are important to me.
People with no humor, they're outta my life.
It's my life and my death.
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
I have a great life and I'm super active.
I have an awfully good life.
I live a very real life.