At PETA, we often say that the issue of how animals are treated isn't just about them; it's about us, how we behave.
If women and men want to be treated as adults they must begin to act without the childish selfishness that pollutes our world.
Treat this world as I do, like a wayfarer; like a horseman who stops in the shade of a tree for a time, and then moves on.
It’s not so much the journey that’s important; as is the way that we treat those we encounter and those around us, along the way
You deserve a longer letter than this; but it is my unhappy fate seldom to treat people so well as they deserve.
People who treat other people as less than human must not be surprised when the bread they have cast on the waters comes floating back to them, poisoned.
For more irresponsible that human beings can be, nature always finds (not always healthy) a way to teach us how to be treated.
The speed of movement towards independence will depend on Kosovo demonstrating that it is capable of treating minorities well. We have not always seen that.
God created us all with his love, to be equally treated. No human being is superior over another.
Is the prestige conferred by the Man Booker prize for the book or me? I would prefer it on the book and for me to be treated ordinarily.
When I was a little girl, I remember carrying my orange UNICEF carton with me as I went Trick-or-Treating.
However, the Department of Defense treats these detainees in accord with the Geneva Convention, even though that is not required because of the inhumane methods used by these killers.
The first dog I had was owned by an abusive couple. He was very skittish. He wouldn't let me hold him. It was explained to me that it was because of how he was treated.
I was a supporter of the desire, in my section of Nigeria, to leave the federation because it was treated very badly with something that was called genocide in those days.
And each of us can practice rights ourselves, treating each other without discrimination, respecting each other's dignity and rights.
We cannot justify treating any sentient nonhuman as our property, as a resource, as a thing that we an use and kill for our purposes.
So many people treat you like you're a kid so you might as well act like one and throw your television out of the hotel window.
Our house was awash in books, and my mother doled out her favorites like they were special treats - which they were.
The thing of it is, we don’t have to be perfect or be the best. We just need to do the best with what God gives us and how life treats us.
We all deserve to be treated with nothing but respect. In order to command respect from others, we must first and foremost respect ourselves.
To spend this particular year reading essays to Dennis Robertson as one's supervisor, and, simultaneously, enjoying membership of the group round Keynes was indeed an intellectual treat.