...I look out at the world through your transparent face...
Openness, transparency - these are among the few weapons the citizenry has to protect itself from the powerful and the corrupt... and that is the best thing that WikiLeaks has done.
The healthcare industry has never had a priority on user experience because there has been little competition. Prices have never been transparent.
I wish that every human life might be pure transparent freedom.
Slovakia's joining the OECD in 1999 is totally dependent on meeting economic reforms required such as transparency and legislation that permits fair and open conduct of trade and business.
I hope to make the process of producing my take of the Biennial a transparent and interesting one for artists.
If I just produce the transparent ideal accepted by the Western experts, a process of privatization which will be very good but never happen, that means nothing.
There can be no faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny - they should be setting the example of transparency.
The movement towards radical transparency and accountability has been gaining steam for several decades.
I've come to learn there is a virtuous cycle to transparency and a very vicious cycle of obfuscation.
My top priority will be to secure maximum value for money in aid through greater transparency, rigorous independent evaluation and an unremitting focus on results.
Relationships should be like glass .... No matter who sees from what angel .... It should be transparent
I am a patriot. I have always sought to serve my country, in theory a Republic. Learning that secrecy was evil rather than good was my first step. From there it was a steady march toward open-source everything. Now I see all the evil that secrecy ena...
Let's embrace productive capitalism, not casino capitalism, by restoring transparency and true competition in the commodities markets.
The goal of Bible translation is be transparent to the original text - to see as clearly as possible what the biblical authors actually wrote.
There are excellent public interest grounds to have a search engine whose rankings are transparent.
When you're building a business or joining a company, you have to be transparent; you can't have two sets of information for two sets of people.
A government operates and acts differently than a company. So all we want to do is get some transparency here and then determine if the deal should go forward.
I am committed to working towards a more transparent, accountable, and ethical federal government worthy of the public's trust.
A good cult delivers on its promises. A good cult nourishes the needs of its members, has transparency and integrity, and creates provisions for challenging its leadership openly. A good cult expands the freedoms and well-being of its members rather ...
Life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.