If companies don't think systemically enough - if they try to capture too much of the value - eventually, innovation moves somewhere else.
What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly; it's dearness only that gives everthing its value.
One common way of judging whether housing's price is in line with its fundamental value is to consider the ratio of housing prices to rents. This is analogous to the ratio of prices to dividends for stocks.
The values of Islam are expressed by Muslims clearly. September 11 changed the world, and put Muslims on the spotlight.
Artificial creatures date back to the ancient Chinese and Greeks. Renaissance automata were designed primarily to entertain, reflecting the value placed on leisure.
Losing it in the backseat with a can of beer and a blunt, virginity is of no value. I never celebrated my time before chocolate either.
I could not cherish London and not value Jewish London. The contribution of Jews to London is immense - politically, economically, culturally, intellectually, philanthropically, artistically.
We need to rekindle those values, those strengths as a nation and as a people... And we must do so as one people with one goal.
The role of a creative leader is not to have all the ideas; it's to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they're valued.
One of the things that's driving films in a particular direction is that the after market value of them is dropping really fast and in many segments of it, not just DVDs. Pay television is dropping.
At the end of the day, TV is supposed to be entertaining. But it's important for me that there's some take-away value from it.
A GOOD man values his INTEGRITY and CHARACTER. NEVER deal with one that has no SELF RESPECT!
The more riches you have, the more you can share. So I like to share everything that I have that's of value.
Titles of honor are like the impressions on coins, which add no value to gold or silver, but only render brass current.
But I value their hatred. I find it very useful. You see, people are always at their weakest when they're angry.
When you value someone, it merely shows that you truly have no idea about the person that they aren't showing you.
That which has not a real excellency and value in it self, entertains no longer than the giddy Humour which recommended it to us holds.
Most important jobs of a parent: unconditional love, comfort and protection, and a solid platform and values for future success
I'm a lawyer. I go for due process; I go for fairness and equity - these values mean a lot to me.
I don't care what people call me, labels have the negative value of making smaller boundaries for people.
The vanity of loving fine clothes and new fashion, and placing value on ourselves by them is one of the most childish pieces of folly.