A check or credit card, a Gucci bag strap, anything of value will do. Give as you live.
I was raised with those principals and values and ethics that came out of the men and women that served. But this generation doesn't quite know; they haven't been tested.
Election Day 2010 saw the culmination of years of aggravation and resentment toward a federal government that became disconnected and disdainful of the values and priorities of Americans.
If one has a good disposition, what other virtue is needed? If a man has fame, what is the value of other ornamentation?
I'm proud to be associated with the value system at Berkshire Hathaway; I think you'll make more money in the end with good ethics than bad.
I'll cheerfully confess to spending a lot of time playing completely disgusting computer games that have no redeeming social value.
It is the accuracy and detail inherent in crafted goods that endows them with lasting value. It is the time and attention paid by the carpenter, the seamstress and the tailor that makes this detail possible.
Peter Beard is one of those people I've known a long time. We have an affinity. We share certain values.
Golda Meir: Every civilization finds it necessary to negotiate compromises with its own values.
I never really learned the value of money. My father didn't spoil me, but I think my grandparents did.
Language is like money, without which specific relative values may well exist and be felt, but cannot be reduced to a common denominator.
Now people look at 'The Scream' or Van Gogh's 'Irises' or a Picasso and see its new content: money. Auction houses inherently equate capital with value.
All too often, lotteries only add to the problem of the financially disadvantaged by taking money from them and giving nothing of value in return.
I have enjoyed the personal use of money; but I have gotten the greatest satisfaction from using it to advance my beliefs in human relations, human values.
If the technical innovations of the Impressionists led merely to a more accurate representation of nature, it was perhaps of not much value in enlarging their powers of expression.
One of America's greatest strengths is the soft power of our value system and how we treat prisoners of war, and we don't torture.
All too many Muslims fail to grasp Islam, which teaches one to be lenient towards others and to understand their value systems, knowing that these are tolerated by Islam as a religion.
Some people are your relatives but others are your ancestors, and you choose the ones you want to have as ancestors. You create yourself out of those values.
A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
Some say because music is as much about personal expression as listening pleasure, sharing is integral to why songs have value in the first place.
One of my core values is to help redefine what it means to be a strong and beautiful woman in the music and fashion worlds and to empower the wonderful things that make us unique.