Ecoute les orgues Elles jouent pour toi Il est terrible cet air là J'espère que tu aimes C'est assez beau non C'est le requiem pour un con Je l'ai composé spécialement pour toi A ta mémoire de scélérat C'est un joli thème Tu ne trouves pas Se...
A brick could be used as a sex toy. Well, I say sex toy, but the politician strapped to the bed would probably say torture device.
It's toys, boy, all toys. You'll see more and more contraptions as you get older, but if I teach you anything, you'll learn that all of this is decoration. What counts is what's inside you and what you can see in others.
At an age when most children are playing hopscotch or with their dolls,you, poor child, who had no friends or toys, you toyed with dreams of murder, because that is a game to play alone.
I don't even have a small boat. I don't even have a toy boat in my bathtub. I don't have a biplane, I don't have anything. Those things are toys, and I don't need them to be happy.
We're just into toys, whether it's motorcycles or race cars or computers. I've got the Palm Pilot right here with me, I've got the world's smallest phone. Maybe it's just because I'm still a big little kid and I just love toys, you know?
Mr. Potato Head: Prepare to meet [shouts] Mr. Potato Head: Mr Angry Eyes! Argh argh! [he accidentally sticks his extra pair of shoes on his face and runs into a wall]
[Woody explains his newfound past to his old friends] Woody: Oh, you should have seen it. There was a record player. And a yo-yo. Buzz, I was a yo-yo! Mr. Potato Head: [to Hamm] WAS?
Buzz Lightyear #2: Has your mind been melted? You could have killed me, Space Ranger. Or should I say "traitor." Buzz Lightyear: I don't have time for this.
[Woody goes to the yard sale] Mr. Potato Head: Where is he going? He's nuts! Slinky Dog: His arm ain't that bad! Rex: Don't do it, Woody! We love you!
[in the airplane's cargo hold, Woody finds Jessie rolled up in a corner of the green case] Woody: [deep voice] Excuse me, ma'am, but I believe you're on the wrong flight.
Woody: [in Bonnie's room] Look, I just need to get out of here... Buttercup: [dramatically] There is no way out! [Woody stares at him in horror] Buttercup: Just kidding. Door's right over there. [he points]
Rex the Green Dinosaur: [after Andy picks up Rex to get his cell phone, which Rex was gripping] He held me! He actually held me!
Mr. Potato Head: Remember all that bad stuff I said about Andy's attic? I take it all back. Slinky Dog: Ya darn-tootin' Hamm the Piggy Bank: You said it!
Mr. Potato Head: [after spending the night in the daycare sandbox] It was cold and dark, nothing but sand and a couple of Lincoln Logs. Hamm the Piggy Bank: Eh... I don't think those were Lincoln Logs.
Woody: We're all still here! I - I mean, yeah, we've lost friends along the way... Wheezy... and Etch... Rex the Green Dinosaur: And Bo Peep? Woody: ...Yeah. Even - even Bo.
Jessie: Buzz! Mind if I squeeze in next to you? Buzz Lightyear: Yes. No! I mean, w-w-why-why would I mind squee-squeezing next to you? - Is it hot in here?
As a company dedicated to creating fun and affordable toys for children, everyone at Ty is proud to play a small part in helping children in need have a happy holiday. We are proud to be associated with Toys for Tots and congratulate our Marines for ...
If little else, the brain is an educational toy. The problem with possessing such an engaging toy is that other people want to play with it, too. Sometime they'd rather play with yours than theirs. Or they object if you play with yours in a different...
Do you think me horselike, my lord?" Realizing the threat to his personage, Blackmoor wiped the smile from his face and replied, "Not at all. I said I think you charming." "A fine start." "And I appreciate your exuberance." His eyes glitered with bar...
Woody: Look Jessie, I know you hate me for leaving, but I have to go back. I'm still Andy's toy. Well, if you knew him, you'd understand. See, Andy's... Jessie: Let me guess. Andy's a real special kid, and to him, you're his buddy, his best friend, a...