When you release the illusion of control, you begin an effortless free-fall toward a grand reunion with your original self.
No, seriously, I really don't have much ill-will toward anyone these days; I just ignore the people that I dislike.
At the end of the day, man, you can't protect yourself from a haymaker that's coming in toward your face if you don't see it coming.
I believe that a long step toward public morality will have been taken when sins are called by their right names.
Toward the end of my pregnancy, I felt really big - I gained about 40 pounds, which is a lot for my size.
I like the fact that New York looks a bit backwards, toward the Old World, rather than resolutely forwards.
When you have experienced the depth of your inner self, the idea of enlightenment is no longer a goal to strive towards, but rather an attitude to maintain.
I am dominated by one thing, an irresistible, burning attraction towards the abstract.
The main engagement of the writer is towards truthfulness; therefore he must keep his mind and his judgement free.
The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity.
I’ve seen a disobedient client simply turn his attention toward The Adversary and ask “Are You still there?” and suddenly all was made well between them.
Liberals and conservatives are looking for entirely different things. Their attitudes toward romance and how they court are really dramatically different. There's almost no overlap.
I like doing small parts, because I don't feel I'm that practised in acting. It's like making baby steps towards a bigger goal.
I was immediately smitten with an attraction to this culture, not in the sense of high culture but of the basic way people behaved towards one another.
It is very difficult to get up resentment towards persons whom one has never seen.
I think I have sort of gravitated toward issues that I don't know the answers to, because that's what's more interesting for me to write.
Reducing trade barriers with this key ally will go a long way toward increasing market access for American farmers, manufacturers and service providers.
I have not written in vain if I have heretofore done anything towards diminishing the reputation of the Renaissance landscape painting.
God draws near to the brokenhearted. He leans toward those who are suffering. He knows what it feels like to be wounded and abandoned.
I don't like to go trampling on other people's sounds. That's really about it - I don't gravitate towards it, I try to move away from it.
Loss is merely a tool for evaluation, organization, determination and actualization towards being the best you that you can possibly be.