The goal should be to build a sustainable lifestyle business that does good for employees and customers - and that steadily builds wealth.
After 'Four Feathers,' I quit then because I just lost faith. I didn't like how the business was.
Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your project or service, and that bring friends with them.
I didn't go into this business to do action because I'm a classically trained actor. But I'm good at kicking and punching.
I used to be in the real estate business, and I have three areas of interest: Chickamauga Lock, Chickamauga Lock, and Chickamauga Lock.
At its core, the FCC's plan to regulate the Internet will force businesses and people to check first with the government and get permission to innovate.
We see government's mission as fostering and enabling the important realms - our businesses, service clubs, Little Leagues, churches - to flourish.
American businesses deserve a federal government that doesn't stand in their way, not one that tries to chase them overseas.
I strive never to forget the real world consequences of my decisions on individuals, businesses and government.
Happiness is a matter of one's most ordinary and everyday mode of consciousness being busy and lively and unconcerned with self.
I feel like I'm too busy writing history to read it.
The single moment when I knew that I had to get busy and do more was around the death of my son.
The death tax robs parents of the opportunity to pass something along to their children, and it is responsible for destroying a lot of family-owned businesses.
Most small-business owners have no financial education when they started. They weren't trained to be entrepreneurs.
If you improve your education system, there's no telling what kind of businesses you'll be able to attract.
Small businesses want things streamlined, and one of the great successes we're having is less paperwork, faster turnaround times.
We spend a great deal of our energy making sure that small businesses have help in navigating to the outcomes that they want.
New York is great for busy creative types. The city has a pulse that races, and you either keep up with it or you leave.
I don't really care about gossip. I care about building great businesses.
Businesses large and small shouldn't have to check the expiration date of a tax provision to see if it's still good.
The cameraman isn't thinking about whether you're good that day. He's too busy worrying about what he has to do.