With studio work, I'm always the bottom man on the totem pole.
On 'Buffy' I wasn't all that high on the totem pole as far as responsibility and screen time.
In the States, tennis is sixth or seventh on the totem pole as far as sports go.
Look at it this way - a totem pole is just a decorated tree. My work is a confessional.
My jobs on campaigns were pretty low on the totem pole - I was an advance man.
I think the bottom of the totem pole is African-American women, or women of colour. I think they get the least opportunities in Hollywood.
Video artists being at the low end of the totem pole economically, one of the ways we survive is to go around showing work and giving these talks.
Totem poles and wooden masks no longer suggest tribal villages but fashionable drawing rooms in New York and Paris.
Some people pray to a totem pole, some people pray to a sun, some people pray to a god. It all works for them. It all comes back to what you think.
Atrial fibrillation has been the low man on the totem pole and so we're just trying to get more visibility about this particular disease and how dangerous this could be.
You can't really get into regular football after you watch Australian rules football because it's just two different ends of the totem pole.
When I was in London at NBC, I was the lowest man on the totem pole. I would go to diplomatic receptions to meet people.
I looked at game show hosting as the bottom of the totem pole, one step away from infomercials. I never watched them myself. However, it's been a lot of fun.
I've learned a lot about what kind of actor I want or do not want to be while being on set. I sit back and observe how other actors treat the totem pole of set politics.
In America, we have three major sports - baseball, football and basketball. They get the most coverage. Then there's things like golf which mop up most of what is left. But track and field? We are way at the bottom of the totem pole.
If you’re so far down the totem pole that someone considers it a favor to you just to have you in their circle (no matter how far outside the ring you are), you should probably cut them out of yours.
I'm of the age and immaturity level that I cannot give you my respect solely because you are older or ranked higher on an imaginary totem pole. I give you my respect because of your actions.
I will openly admit that I've never really followed hockey. Given my New England upbringing, I have always adhered to the Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox, Bruins mantra of professional sports fandom, but hockey was definitely the lowest sport on the totem...
Once the principals in their party are seated, with those lower on the totem pole left to grumble and move on to find another table, our once-cozy booth transforms into a damp fusion of vacuous wretchedness, with the three women all complaining alter...
How does a person perform nobly in Hell?" I asked her. "You plant flowers," she hissed. "You feed the birds, while they're burning...
I travel North Pole to South Pole; just like patience, Long but still reachable.