The only kind of seafood I trust is the fish stick, a totally featureless fish that doesn't have eyeballs or fins.
I think that, with anything creative, you should have the freedom to experiment, and that experimentation means not feeling totally responsible for how other people perceive it.
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.
What do I mean by concentration? I mean focusing totally on the business at hand and commanding your body to do exactly what you want it to do.
In every business I had ever started, even ones that had totally failed, I had kept good relations with the investors.
I think I'm in a business where you have to look good, and it's totally youth-oriented.
I don't need to come back to Wimbledon every year because I can't live without it. I'd be totally cool without tennis.
My perfect guy wears converse, is totally laid back, and doesn't worry about being cool.
Italy is definitely where I feel most at home, or alternatively, living in total wilderness, in the bush in Australia.
Social is a better way to interact with digital world. It is better than search. Implications for... everything. Total change.
I'm totally the 'decorate early, start listening to Christmas songs super early' guy. I've just always been that way.
One Christmas build-up tradition, however, has totally bypassed me - that of going up to town and 'doing a show.'
I'm totally down with insurrection in the street. I've had a great time with that over the years. Insurrection in the voting booth is the other part of the equation.
Not being published would be great. When I say that to other writers they look at me as if I'm totally insane.
I'm totally obsessed with Dickens, and 'Great Expectations' was one of the first book's I read when I was still in school in Porthcawl.
I have the power of my height. Growing up, it was a total drawback. There was nothing good about it at all.
It seems to be unfathomable to people that I just happen to be 49 and look good. I am totally capable of accepting myself.
When the world lacks muscular and wise American leadership, it devolves into total chaos, which, in turn, produces unspeakable evils.
I never had a boss in my whole life. I've totally destroyed anybody's ability to tell me what to do.
I think there's nothing that makes you happier than to be really involved in something. I can't imagine a totally idle life.
How could you not love Norman Mailer? He was a total chauvinist, but also so vulnerable.