My routines come out of total unhappiness. My audiences are my group therapy.
I have always refused to do something that has offended me. I have been offered potential roles that are totally vulgar.
Working with Bryan Cranston on 'Breaking Bad' has been totally thrilling because he is so clear in his approach.
I'm totally committed to the cause of individuality. That's the only thing I stand by: independence.
The aging process is totally minimizing. Life in general is pretty minimizing because you have a lot of big ideas, and you have to battle the mistaken delusions and instability that come with youth.
I wish people would realize that animals are totally dependent on us, helpless, like children, a trust that is put upon us.
By the time we went to Doctor Simon I think Barney had been totally disabled for at least six months.
I'm a bad interview because I want to always feel like I'm being totally honest, but at the same time, I'm absolutely paranoid. That combination results in a lot of spaces.
I really enjoy my time off. If I'm going to go to work, it has to be something I really believe in, or else it's totally tedious.
I was totally ignored for a while... that's a hazard of signing with a small company who say how small they are and how close to the artists they are. Suddenly they don't have any time for you.
A question I get asked a lot is 'What is it like to play the straight guy all the time?' And I'm totally okay with it.
For a long time, I couldn't actually deal with playing concerts; it was a totally alien concept to me, 'cause I was used to playing in clubs and dance halls.
David was the kind of guy who was totally supportive of the actors and instructed the writing staff to trust the actor's instincts, since after all, it's the actors playing the character.
Richter: You have to make a decision, sir. Vilos Cohaagen: Kill him. Richter: It's about goddamn time.
Douglas Quaid: What about the guy you lobotomized? Did he get a refund?
Benny: I'm gonna drill you, sucker! I'm gonna grind you up!
Douglas Quaid: If I am not me, then who the hell am I?
I waste most of the day, then finally start to write around 3 P.M., totally disgusted with myself for my wasteful nature.
I am totally in favour of reform - but it must be reform that changes the nature of British politics, not simply the makeup or operation of parliament.
One of the wonders of science is that it is completely universal. It crosses national boundaries with total ease.
I have a Stella McCartney Adidas sports bra. I feel like I'm totally comfortable running. No problem. I have support where I need it.