I'm just drawing it now. It's totally revolting. I'm sure you'll love it.
I was a total bad girl growing up.
Everyone still thinks I'm Scottish - that's totally wicked.
The reason we're so dangerous is because we're totally harmless.
When David left me I became totally brokenhearted.
I'm a total water-baby. I've seen some pristine beaches, from Greece to Goa.
I grew up in a total Pink Floyd house.
Around people I don't know, I'm totally at a loss.
Whatever I get involved in, I'm totally involved, you see.
My site is a little unorthodox without being totally inaccessible.
I adore clothes, I adore drinking. I just don't have the time or the inclination to totally indulge in it.
The existence of any evil anywhere at any time absolutely ruins a total optimism.
People who read on holiday always have a better time because it's total escapism, both physically and mentally.
[repeated line] Enid, Rebecca: Oh, we totally have to.
Reg: One total catastrophe like this is just the beginning!
President Business: All I'm asking for is total perfection.
Douglas Quaid: See you at the party, Richter!
They're paying me an outrageous sum of money; $40,000 a week, which is totally silly.
'Dancing on My Own' is actually a really sad song! It has totally made me cry.
I am highly offended by the total lack of acknowledgement of my contribution to Laker success.
Success in any endeavor requires single-minded attention to detail and total concentration.