So, the total number of hours spent on the stuff you have to do to take care of a family, working and caring for stuff at home, the total number of hours is actually about the same for mothers and fathers.
I am a total workaholic. If I don't shoot for two days, I get uncomfortable at home. I won't comment on my personal life. That is totally out of bounds. When I do get married, everyone will know.
My dad could be beyond brilliant but totally introverted. If we're talking about computers, he's on. Otherwise, he's a total recluse - he stays in the house and won't leave, and I'm like that. If I'm not working, I'm locked up in my room.
Because of total depravity, you and I were desperate for God's grace before we were saved. Because of total depravity, you and I remain desperate for God's grace even after we're saved.
Nobody - myself included - believes that we could ever achieve total information awareness. But the government needs to set goals and long-range objectives. Total information awareness is a good goal.
It is only of life on Earth, however, that one can speak with any certainty. It seems to me that all life on Earth, the sum total of life upon the Earth, has purpose.
They were totally supportive, always saw everything I did. One of the thrills of my life was when they went to the theater to see something that I wasn't in. It opened doors for them that otherwise would have been totally closed.
I think 'Game Of Thrones' has been genius, and I really don't want it to end. Every episode is huge. It's totally immense, and the actors are all fantastic in it. It has totally drawn me in.
Security guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come out with a total exploit; your machine can be taken over totally.
It has been a tremendous privilege to serve the people of Utah during my time in the United States House of Representatives, but my time in the House should not be the sum total of my service.
Scott Pilgrim: Hey You totally came! Ramona V. Flowers: Yes I did totally come...
An actor is totally vulnerable. His total personality is exposed to critical judgment - his intellect, his bearing, his diction, his whole appearance. In short, his ego.
Thus in Christianity the alienation had become total, and it was this total alienation that was the biggest obstacle to the progress of self-consciousness.
Total war is no longer war waged by all members of one national community against all those of another. It is total... because it may well involve the whole world.
One of the truly bizarre things about our current cultural situation is that the leading figures of the scientific establishment seem genuinely amazed that the citizens do not accept finch-beak variation as proof of the claim that humans, like all an...
As students grow more and more accustomed to assuming materialism and naturalism in their academic work, the concept of creation by God gradually tends to become less real to them. It is not so much that any single finding undermines their faith; rat...
Oh ... why not?' he smiled. "This valley is a pleasant spot for meditation. I like New England... it is here that I have experienced some of my greatest successes - and several notable defeats. Defeat, you know, is not such a bad thing, if there's no...
We could, however, demand much more from the social media sites that are so eager to sign up our kids and encourage them to share, share, share. These companies are selling our kids’ “likes” and habits to advertisers, and enticing all of us to ...
Algren: What do you want? Katsumoto: To know my enemy. Algren: I've seen what you do to your enemies. Katsumoto: The warriors in your country do not kill? Algren: They don't cut the heads off defeated, kneeling men. Katsumoto: General Hasegawa asked ...
Rex: Buzz, you could have defeated Zurg all along! You just got to believe in yourself! Emperor Zurg: Prepare to die. Rex: Aah! I can't look! [as Rex turns he knocks Zurg down the elevator shaft with his tail] Emperor Zurg: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Rex: I d...
I know not age, nor weariness nor defeat.