The Friday before winter break, my mom packed me an overnight bag and a few deadly weapons and took me to a new boarding school.
Thus in this heaven he took his delight And smothered her with kisses upon kisses Till gradually he came to know where bliss is.
I'd like to say I took the news well. The truth was, I wanted to strangle the Hunters of Artemis one eternal maiden at a time. --Percy Jackson
I ran three miles, staggered into the lobby, and took the elevator back to my apartment. No point to overdoing this exercise junk. --Stephanie Plum
It took just an ordinary stick to free the Jewish people.
Alessandra approached the geniuses of the past to give them life with her attention, which was the form her affection took: paying attention.
She had been a solitary child, and then solitary as a woman, drawn into an orbit of her own that took her away from others, even those who would be her friends.
(In my sleep I dreamed this poem) Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.
I don’t want any other girl.” He shook his head and took a step closer, cupping my face in his hands. “I belong with you and you belong with me.
Most geniuses are geniuses because of the way they manage their natural talents. He was one because of the way he took advantage of the world's defects. -pg 129
... relationships required such vigilance, such attention. You had to hold them together by force of will, and other people took up so much space, demanded so much time. It was exhausting.
It could have happened lots of ways. But this is the way it happened. This is the path we took. This is our story.
For the record, folks; I never took a shit on stage and the closest I ever came to eating shit anywhere was at a Holiday Inn buffet in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 1973.
She took a moment to lament her lack of parasol. Every time she left the house, she felt keenly the absence of her heretofore ubiquitous accessory.
Both of the items were used in an attempted murder, but hers was a dagger, and mine was a baby’s rubber bottle nipple. That was the last time I took a stab at love.
If science took my IQ and spread it evenly among the world's population, like mental mayonnaise, we'd have more art, less war, and higher cholesterol.
If I took a candy bar, ripped off the wrapper, ate the candy bar, and pinned the wrapper to the wall, is that art, performance art, both, or neither?
If this book looks like it took me 15 minutes to put together, that’s because it did! 30 seconds to write it, and 14.5 minutes to illustrate it. (The translating was instantaneous).
To most people, if you’re muttering, you might as well be speaking a foreign language. I should know, because in college I took two years of muttering.
I took baby steps to overcome my embarrassment over my tiny infant feet. Would you dance with me even if I had the moves of a midget?
The beauty of the ocean, it takes your breath away. Especially if you’re underwater. She also took my breath away. She suffocated me with her love.