I sat down at the table, took a deep breath, smiled at Detective Masterson, and nodded at Deputy Slalom. It was going to be a great summer. Normal.
It took me years to figure out that upset was upset, and tumultuousness was not the same thing as passion. Love isn't drama.
I had come to the conclusion that everyone took sex far too seriously. I mean, it's only sex.
Our course heavenward is like the plan of the zealous pilgrim of old, who for every three steps forward, took one backward.
The goal was never dependent on the route that took me there. It was always dependent on the heart that got me through whatever route opened itself up to my efforts.
Even among the ugliness of evil that resonated throughout the green hills and flowering landscape, Northbrook was simply breathtaking to those who took the time to appreciate it.
Mason took in enough cannabis smoke to allow a Lipan Apache manipulating a blanket over it to transmit the complete works of Tennyson.
Amanda took the torn page from Maniac. To her, it was the broken wing of a bird, a pet out in the rain.
As he took them in his arms, the crying of the babies permeated the night like a trail of blood calling out to a predator.
When the guy with asthma finally came in from the fire escape, Parker rabbit-punched him and took his gun away.
Just to keep the bad dreams at bay, she took a swig out of a bottle that smelled of apples and happy brain-death.
In 1924 Mao took a Chinese friend, newly arrived from Europe, to see the notorious sign in the Shanghai park, 'Chinese and Dogs Not Allowed'.
Almost-Sister, you picked a real catch.” “It was I who caught her,” Adam said softly. “It took years.
Light died in the west. Night and tears took the Nation. The star of Water drifted among the clouds like a murderer softly leaving the scene of the crime.
...but with each step I took I could feel it; like an itch under the skin, I was only ever aware of it enough to know that it could never be satisfied.
Children played at those stories; they dreamed about them. They took them to heart and acted as if to live inside them.
The essential truth of life, he was coming to realize, wasn't romantic an took only two words to label: Shit. Happens.
I loved you and you destroyed me. You took my heart and ripped it up. You might as well have staked me.
Maybe they did what they had to do to live, and tried to get a little love and have a little fun before the darkness took them.
Love is a panda in Pandora’s box. But don’t open it, because it took me forever to get it inside.
Men were just plain ridiculous with how little time it took them to get handsome.