It was a decent New Year's, but it took a million officers to make it so.
Jack Benny was, without a doubt, the bravest comedian I have ever seen work. He wasn't afraid of silence. He would take as long as it took to tell the story.
I was one of those kids who took apart their toys to see how they work, just to see what they were made up of.
I once didn't work out for six weeks. It took me for ever to get the weight off.
But thinking never took away tears. Only time did.
Violet: "You're an asshole." Onyx: "Thank you, it's something that took an eternity to perfect.
jan was an excellent fuck...she had a tight pussy and she took it like it was a knife that was killing her.
There is nothing going on. I took nothing you wanted. You can't have it back.
When Brocker arrived he took her hands and held them to his face and cried into them.
It didn’t take tragedy or war to derail a man. It took only a memory.
Maybe good luck was like bad luck in that it took a while to sink in.
Love took prisoners no matter what the circumstances; it broke open the heart with no regard for consequences.
She took a step and didn't want to take any more, but she did.
So Harry Potter came in and it is nice that I have kids of the right age. I took them to London and they walked around the set and met Harry Potter and that is thrilling.
I was asked to do a reading of 'G.B.F.' and I loved the script. I thought it was one of the most amazing things I'd read, but it took a year to get a green light for production.
I'm really busted up over this and I'm very, very sorry to those people in the audience, the blacks, the Hispanics, whites - everyone that was there that took the brunt of that anger and hate and rage and how it came through.
I did that Dior Couture 60th anniversary show in July. It took so long to get ready, I think I would have rather been watching.
Our destiny becomes the accumulation of the choices that we make; the choices of which paths we took in life.
My world was the size of a crayon box, and it took every colour to draw her
I just took a little nap. I stole it from an infant.
The lie took form as she spoke, pulling on as many strands of truth as it could reach.