I went to all the Love-Ins. I took my kids. I enjoyed myself.
It's embarrassing, isn't it? It took me 15 years to make an 18-minute movie.
I took acting classes in my senior year in college and I loved it.
I took my archery lessons. It was really fun to learn something new.
For me to go to America - which I find such a positive place - well, I took to it like a duck to water.
I took my writing seriously, and it seemed to pay off.
My mother never took my hand.
It took several years of hard work in small roles before I attained stardom.
If it took seven days to make a living with a restaurant, then we needed to be in some other line of work.
After the war, in which I served as a pilot in the Air Force, I took up films.
The world didn't give a shit. It didn't bestow. It took
One small boy was all it took to upset the universe
Rita got the best of us. We took quite a beating. It's going to take a while to come back from this.
I did get a degree in theater and took some voice-over classes.
Up until like five seconds ago, I just took what jobs came along.
The rut I was in with the people that I had been previously been with it took the heart right out of me.
With The Guess Who, it took us fifty-something singles before we had hits.
I was hoping to get to the NBA, but the Lord took me on a different path.
I took individual photographs of Annie Liebovitz, I kept taking her picture.
It took me nine months to write 60 pages. It was very frustrating.
Like, I took no poetic license with 'Schindler's List' because that was historical, factual documents.