My definition of modernism took a while to develop.
It took years, honestly, to deal with the disappointment of Beijing.
I took and received campaign donations under the existing laws.
Nobody took me too seriously but I was grown up even as a baby.
I took my sight and mobility for granted.
that rainy day - one took birth.
It took us three months to finish the arrangement of 'Thunderstruck.'
I took acting lessons when I was 19, 20, and I had my writing.
Beijing Coma took me 10 years to finish.
I don't know who took what. That is pretty private with an individual.
I was asked to model but I never took up the offer.
My mother and I took over abandoned buildings to sleep in.
When the question arose whether I, as a member of the royal family, should take part in active combat in the Falklands, there was no question in her mind, and it only took her two days to sort the issue.
If no one ever took risks, Michaelangelo would have painted the Sistine floor.
With my wife Camille's help, I took to social networking. I'm working with the computers.
When President Kennedy took office, I was in the midst of my education.
I played a great horse yesterday! It took seven horses to beat him.
It took me a long time to learn how to write a good song.
They took their meals together; and it was remarked on such occasions, when the friendship of animals is put to a hard test, that they never quarrelled or disputed the possession of a favourite fruit with each other.
Face it, I didn't become famous until I took my clothes off.
The Magnificent Seven was really kind of a miraculous event that took place in my life.