Spike: And you, you take way too long when you're taking a shit.
Thug: How old are you anyway? Sue Lor: Mentally, I'm way too old for you.
Hermione Granger: Everyone, this is Loony... [too late realizing her mistake] Hermione Granger: ...Luna Lovegood.
[from trailer] Joy: Come on, group hug! You too, Anger. Anger: Don't touch me.
Lancelot: I suppose asking to borrow a cup of sugar is a step too far.
Sid Hudgens: [voiceover] Something has to be done, but nothing too original, because hey, this is Hollywood.
María Álvarez: What is America like? Lucy Díaz: Over there... it's too perfect. Everything's straight.
Eve Kendall: I'm a big girl. Roger Thornhill: Yeah, and in all the right places, too.
Jiminy Cricket: [seeing Pinocchio for the first time] Good piece of wood, too.
Gerald Root: You would drink, too, if you knew the world half as well as I do.
Darth Vader: All too easy.
Pat Sr.: Yeah, have Ernest Hemingway call us and apologize to us too.
Dr. Alex Brulov: Apparently the mind is never too sick to make jokes about psychoanalysis.
Knives Chau: Go ahead. I'm too cool for you anyway.
[having encountered a mother and baby, frozen to death in the water] Fifth Officer Lowe: We waited too long.
Withnail: I think we've been in here too long. I feel unusual.
Jordan Belfort: She designs women's panties too? Oh, my God!
Rainer Wenger: So you don't think there could be another dictatorship in Germany? Jens: No, we are too enlightened now.
As long as I have enough money for makeup artists, everything is okay. I feel young and very free. But one day, my face will be too old for the camera.
I get offered to do stuff where the money's nice but it's not something I want to do - I get offered a lot of commercials too.
If you wait until your children are high school seniors to spring it on them that there's not a whole lot of money for school, they won't have too many options.