Girls like to be played with, and rumpled a little too, sometimes.
A person who lies for you can lie to you too.
One is often guilty by being too just.
But I'm too old to be written about as a young poet.
I don't think it's healthy to take yourself too seriously.
The cost of the high-cost economy remains too high.
The unknown is too vast to live in known unhappiness.
Somehow credibility comes into play if you do things that are too familiar.
I'm a sci-fi guy. But I like fantasy too.
Walking gets too boring when you learn how to fly.
Too many critics mistake the deliberations of the Congress for its decisions.
Nobody took me too seriously but I was grown up even as a baby.
There is no problem that is not improved by effort, and no effort that is too paltry to be worth undertaking.
My favorite saying is, 'If it's too loud, turn it up.'
Broadcasting is really too important to be left to the broadcasters.
I've had my heart broken one too many times.
You can't stay away from the theater too long.
I'm too busy playing to worry about the movement or the fingerboard.
The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.
I have too Many Cookies? what do you think?
Don't take things too seriously, and just chill.