I look ridiculous in a three-piece suit - I'm too fat.
But I don't write so much now, because they're too painful.
Can't do it, simply cause underneath 'em is too ugly.
I learned no detail was too small. It was all about the details.
My fault now is making my plays too short.
There are some actresses that can't do comedy; it's too heavy-handed.
All movements go too far.
Too many athletes do not admit their weaknesses.
Apparently, I don't want to take myself too seriously.
That hate is easy, but sometimes love is easy too.
So everyone has that problem, models have that problem, too.
Personally, I'm not too fond of remakes.
It was a lot of fun doing the Nike commercials, too.
We have a circle of corruption and impunity that is too strong.
I've been too many places. I'm like the bad penny.
Too many would-be executives are slaves of routine.
Most pitchers are too smart to manage.
You can take that 'I'm an artiste' stuff to the wrong extreme, too.
It's dangerous to get too far from what they identify you with.
I'm too tall to be a girl. I'm between a chick and a broad.
The sun too penetrates into privies, but is not polluted by them.