a soul is far too large to hide.
I'm too short to be strong!
There is too little courtship in the world.
I just never subscribed to the theory that at age 55, you fall off the face of the earth on the Tour. I always felt that was too young of an age for that.
Don't clap too hard - it's a very old building.
Once you take yourself too seriously the art will suffer.
Remember this: No one is looking at your imperfections; they're all too busy worrying about their own.
[I]t wasn't history that was too fragile, but me.
Aargh! I’m too short for this shit!
You're never too young to die.
When he laughed in his throat, the butterfly laughed at me too. It's obscene fluttering corrupted me into darkness.
Now you can be a kikei, too.
Life is too fleet for onomatopoeia.
It looks easy, like surfing, but surfing is hard too.
My comrades are alive right now!! The Exceeds are alive too!! Whether they've got magic or not, the important thing is that they're alive! These are lives, dammit!
No one wants to spend too long inside their own darkness.
A man can't be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
I was too practical to want to be a painter.
Even at my peak, I never went too over the top.
We were too rough at the edges to be a pop group.
Too many locks, not enough keys.