I still make sure to go, at least once every year, to a country where things cannot be taken for granted, and where there is either too much law and order or too little.
In the simplest terms, inflation occurs when there's too much money in the system. On the flip side, deflation occurs when there are too few dollars in circulation.
I wish I were brave, although I try. I work too hard and don't play enough. Too much work ethic, not enough 'fun'.
Sometimes love tries to do too much.
Time is a drug. Too much of it kills you.
I prefer the things around town. I'm not one for going out of town too much.
I don't think it's a director's job to peek behind the curtain too much.
You can't get too much winter in the winter.
Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much.
Sometimes expecting too much lands you nowhere in life..
Humankind cannot bear too much reality.
We are all of us the worse for too much liberty.
Too much liberty corrupts us all.
Anyone becomes mannered if you think too much about what other people think.
I avoid going through places where there's too much poverty.
We are suffering from too much sarcasm.
Because ENOUGH is TOO MUCH! And look around ...can you blame us?!
If you can abuse your power you have too much.
If someone puts too much pressure on me, I will automatically rebel.
I get way too much happiness from good food.
Too much freedom can lead to the soul's decay.