This life is a shadowy thing, lad. We live in a crowded space of lights and shadows, and when left to ourselves, we all too often fail to see the brightest light of all.
But i was sure of something, too: it's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching, and rarely discovered--so many locks, not enough keys.
Nancy Herman, my new gym partner and locker neighbor, puts her hand on my shoulder and whispers, "Don't worry April. I have foot fungus too.
She knew there were only small joys in life--the big ones were too complicated to be joys when you got all through--and once you realized that, it took a lot of the pressure off.
Or was it, as everyone told her, and as she must believe, all in her head? And so what if it was - wasn't everything in her head real too? What if there was no demonstrable reality? What if there was nothing beyond the mind?
Je pensais de meme que notre jeunesse etait finie et le bonheur manqué. I thought too that our youth was over and we had failed to find happiness.
I did apply for more than 200 scholarships and finally I got one, but you are telling me now “God gave it to me!” Don’t you think you are too stupid?
Because minds do blow and hearts do break. Those are not just sayings. And wolves and roaches are not the only creatures that chew off their legs to get out of traps—human beings do that, too.
Teach children the value of work and to work hard at everything they do. The virtue of compassion and value of appreciation of the hard work of others too.
Sometimes when we forget to do things for others, it's because we're too wrapped up in our own problems. When actually, what we need to forget is ourselves. Change is healthy, right?
I’ve just walked ten feet in the wrong direction, and I’m too tired to turn back around and trudge back. Oh, the lengths I go to for love.
Everybody in my family believed in ghosts, and my grandma said it wasn't just bad people who turned into them, it was bad deeds too.
I kiss her for way too long at the door, and not for the first time, I wish that I could stay with her, to help chase those dark clouds away.
I'm turning into an old man. I own four pairs of oxfords, my stories get a little long winded, and my neighbors play their music too loud.
God's already let go of your past. He doesn't remember it. He doesn't count it against you. Now it's time for you to let go too.
I would have chosen any other than this for my prison. A rhinoceros is as ugly as a human being, and it too is going to die, but at least it never thinks that it is beautiful.
I told him I had once lost everything I had, too, and that I think that can be God’s way of building walls around us to force us to look up at Him.
He broke the kiss and leaned against her, breathing hard. "Good morning to you, too. Man, I just can't stay mad when you do that.
All pain seemed to come with lots of blood, and lots of mental anguish, too. I already knew about that. Maybe that was the worst kind of pain, because nobody knew about it but you.
When you see, not only intellectually but with your heart too, how we are all connected, how can you harm another? It's the same as harming oneself.
Hey, Jimmy.” “Yeah.” “You ever think about how long we’re going to live?” “No,” he says. “Not really.” “Well, why not?” “I dunno. Guess I’m too busy livin’ it to think about it.