I eat only vegetables and fruit, and to me it's the most aspirational diet because it's so easy. It's quite simple, the cooking I do.
Mr. Bergman had a great imagination and saw the possibilities within every one of his actors, and he gave us great challenges. It was very inspiring.
Economies of scale are a good thing. If we didn't have them, we'd still be living in tents and eating buffalo.
Our culture has created two almost irreconcilable descriptions of a 'good woman.' The first is the individual achiever; the second, the self-sacrificing domestic goddess.
I had an inspirational teacher at my junior school: Peter Nixon. He was enthusiastic, knowledgeable and slightly scary - a good combination for a teacher.
The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.
Full Circle integrates the indigenous and modern practices, bringing individuals, community and organizations together as indispensable collaborators realizing a co-creative, sustainable and fulfilling future.
I want to see a connected and progressive future for Australia, where we harness our greatest natural resources: sun, wind, and brain power.
There will always be big companies making big movies. But making film and distribution is changing in front of our eyes. I'm not sure what the future holds for this industry.
In addition, I'm finishing a track for the movie 'Waking Up In Reno', but there are numerous other singers I look forward to recording with in the near future.
I think, in the future, people are going to look back and say, 'I can't believe that gay and lesbian people had to fight to be able to get married.'
I can relate to historical characters or imaginary ones. It doesn't matter if a story takes place in the future or in the present, as long as the story is compelling.
I'm not opposed to adoption. It's not in my immediate future because I'm on the move a lot and if I were going to be father I would like to be more grounded.
Social Security's future has gotten worse, and each year we delay reform adds to the cost we are pushing off onto our children.
I suppose I'm intrigued with the bad traits of society, because I'm a part of society, and the bad traits pose the dangerous questions for our future.
Live in the moment, day by day, and don't stress about the future. People are so caught up in looking into the future, that they kind of lose what's in front of them.
The idea of future or past, either way, is a core part of entertainment. It's something we've always loved as humans. Its part of our psyche, I think.
Assume everything you put on the Internet can and will be seen not only by the person you're talking about, but your future romantic partners and bosses, too.
STG and the Ramshorn Theatre are a vital part of Glasgow's rich cultural history. To abandon them now is to abandon not only our past, but our future.
It makes me forget that I'm not going to be a major star and lead female in films whether it was 20 years ago, 10 years ago, five or in the future.
Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There's nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day.