When I work with my art department on putting imagery together for my blog posts I always think, 'Would I pin this?' That really helps.
I'm a real person that cares about his art and cares about what he's doing. I have a heart and a soul and I want to touch people and give.
The best of American television is thought-provoking, original, brilliant, exciting - from 'The Sopranos' on, whether it's 'The Wire' or 'Breaking Bad' or 'House of Cards,' they're fantastic pieces of art.
It's not a science when you are judging art, but we'd be remiss to say you can't look at something and say, 'This is more well done than that.'
I went to art school for fine art and then I started doing performance art, and then I started making fun of performance art, and it turned into comedy.
An actress must be a woman whose emotional perceptions are true, and to make them so, she must have a fine contempt for any art or thought that betrays them for something false.
It is my first preference to do films with social significance. Art cinema has given me credibility and status as an actor, but commercial cinema has given me a comfortable living.
In order to understand what they need to understand, in order to write what they write, they have to be free. And yet, they aren't ever free. They are not free because they are not free of the constrictions their art puts on them.
I've never tried to learn the art of acting. I have been in the business for years but I still can't tell what acting is or how it's done.
When you make art, you get really invested in it. When art happens by accident and you were just along for the ride? It's way more fun.
I see guys with, like, eyebrow art, and I wanna tell them, 'You don't have to go too crazy on your brows. Take it easy, man!'
When I got into the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, a doctor told me to give up the course as I'd be totally deaf within a couple of years. But I refused to give in.
It definitely wasn't like, 'Hey, I'm going to steal that, and nobody's going to know.' The original 'T.R.O.Y.' came out in 1992, and it was like a 20th anniversary kind of thing. All of those intentions were there for it to be resurrecting a classic ...
If a woman decides she likes me, it would behoove her to take into consideration that my art has had a strong influence on the type of person I am.
It’s the body and eyes that tell what a person is thinking or going to do.
Your own thoughts can be your worst enemy!
Have an open mind! Have an empty cup!
Self-discovery means learning to live free!
I'm reading a book, because I'm brainy. No, it is a book - if you don't know, it is like a blog except bigger.
In the best of all possible worlds, February 14 is a pleasant and sentimental opportunity to lavish your partner with attention or move your relationship to the next level.
[I]n Amerika wird das Modell des Ich als ein Geist, der eine Maschine bewohnt, auf volkstümlicher Ebene fast unbestritten hingenommen.