I guess I'm a bit of a tomboy and can be quite resourceful.
I'm a tomboy. I love shooting guns and running around.
I had no interest in fashion when I was younger. I was such a tomboy.
I'm a tomboy myself and have always been incredibly athletic.
Because I'm such a tomboy, I hate showing off my body.
I'm a bit of a tomboy, but when it comes to love I am a doormat.
At school, I was a tomboy, and it would be me and all my guy friends.
I was a tomboy as a child! I wanted my daughter to be a scrapper and not so dainty.
I'm a tomboy at heart, and I've got the battle wounds to prove it!
I was actually a huge tomboy growing up.
When I was little, I was such a tomboy - I loved a baggy T-shirt and leggings.
I'm a tomboy and quite clumsy, so I'm more like the anti-sexy icon.
Whatever happened to the tomboy I used to be, the slightly rebellious rocker?
Growing up, I was sort of a tomboy. I was the one skating with the boys.
I guess I'm still sort of feisty and a little bit of a tomboy.
I am a tomboy and I love being with the boys and shooting guns and stuff.
Growing up I was as big a tomboy as you can get.
I grew up kind of a tomboy and I used to fight with all the neighborhood boys.
I think when I was quite younger, I was always quite a tomboy.
I grew up as a tomboy, so I'm used to being around guys.
I'm European, small, dainty - but I actually consider myself more of a tomboy.