Art does not have to be dull, to be effective; the artist does not have to be a bore, to be real.
41 StoriesI like desires like children and their plays that tease me now and then into knowing life.
Jeevanko ChheubaataThe weight of absence is as much a feature of any library as the constriction of order and space.
The Library at NightBe calm in arguing: for fierceness makes Error a fault, and truth discourtesy.
The Temple: The Poetry of George HerbertI studied mathematics which is the madness of reason.
Why This World: A Biography of Clarice LispectorHow or by what magic is it, that we convey our thoughts to one another with such case and accuracy?
Henry MartynIn fact, eloquence in English will inevitably make use of the Latin element in our vocabulary.
Robert FitzgeraldRitual is important to us as human beings. It ties us to our traditions and our histories.
Miller Williams